You never stop learning...

No matter how hard you may try life just keeps moving forward and whether you like it or not you are continuously learning. Sometimes you are learning that you should have made more of the circumstances and the opportunities it brought you. This happens to me more often than I would like to admit to myself. As they say hindsight has 20/20 vision.

Currently I am annoyed with myself for not making the most of the outdoor green spaces that Vienna had. I am missing them greatly now that I am living in the desert and I am finding it hard to wrap my head around it. I know that I don’t want to make the same mistake again, when I moved to Vienna from Tokyo I struggled for the first year because I was mourning the loss of one of the greatest cities that I have ever had the privilege to live in. Now that I have moved again I am mourning the loss of the outdoors, green spaces and opportunities to walk that I had in Vienna. But I don’t want to waste a year mourning and I don’t want my next move to be me annoyed with myself yet again for not making the most of something.

None of this may mean anything to you dear reader, you may only be here for the pictures and I don’t blame you because I can have a tendency to ramble. I have come to realise though just how grateful I am for all the photographs that I have taken over the years of plants, trees, flowers and nature. I can now look back on those with fondness and remind myself that the world is beautiful. It is a good reminder to take photographs of the mundane little details of our days and how the light shines or makes shadows, how peaceful our morning coffee is, how lovely a day can begin. You will look back at these some day and smile, maybe even more so than a holiday snap. These details are the things that make our days, they are special.

So I am today going to make a big slide show of greenery, flowers and the beauty of nature. Why? Because it will make me smile thats all.