A little update...

Busy is better than bored. I tell myself that often. I also have to remind myself often that at this period in my life I have to take what time I can get and I’m not going to give myself a hard time when it takes me a long time to get anything done, I am just going to be pleased that I have got it done and that is it.

Every part of the process is important and although I would like to progress and improve at a better speed I just have to be grateful and enjoy the moment and what I can do.

So recently I have been taking a lot of photographs. I have been thoroughly enjoying every moment of it and we travelled over the Christmas break. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to travel. Of course now that I have I just want more and more. These days though that is so much more difficult.

I haven’t managed to wrap myself around any new designs at the moment. This, however guilty it makes me feel, is just what it is. I often flip between photography and design and both feed my inspiration and help to appease the muse. The muse deserves the time, I only wish I could feed it more.

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