Cassandra Oleary

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Singapore quick fling

Cultures, histories, colour, food, Singapore is fab!

I just got back from a very quick trip to Singapore. I am always meeting people who have lived in Singapore and everyone seems to love it so I wanted to see what all the fuss is about. 

Arriving there from our colder weather to their constant 30 degrees was a bit of a shock, in a good way though. And after spending 4 days looking around I can see why this place is so well thought of. It's a fascinating mix of people all getting along, like a little mini advert for the rest of the world saying 'look we can all happily live together and thrive'. Everything is also clean and the food is fantastic as you can imagine with so many different cuisines in the same place, its a treasure trove for a foodie!

Of course with so much choice where do you start? We had breakfast included at the hotel, which I have to say was amazing but did mean that I didn't get a chance to try breakfast spots. Instead though at the hotel I was able to have Indian one morning, Malaysian the next, then some Chinese etc. So I wasn't complaining!

On our first day out exploring we decided to go to China town. The Chinese New year was starting soon (16th February) so there were lanterns and decorations everywhere.

Yep we did the tourist thing - but we weren't disappointed.

Deep fried dumplings, chicken satay and fresh apple juice.

Chilli green beans and Singapore Blonde Ale.

Now I didn't take photographs of all the food I ate on this trip, there were times where it was gone before I even thought about it! And I was also in Singapore to catch up with a good friend who I have missed terribly so we had a few glasses of wine here and there too to go with all the yummy food! She introduced me to some great spots like Symmetry and PS Cafe.

One of our favourite little finds was a place called "Hans Im Gluck". We walked passed it one morning and just thought it looked cool and then 2 days later got a chance to try it. This was one occasion where I had polished off the whole plate without even thinking of taking a photo. The place makes burgers and salads but they have an incredible selection with vegetarian burgers, vegan burgers, chicken burgers and meat burgers. They also have sweet potato fries with a avocado dip and some fantastic cocktails! I had a spinach and cheese vegetarian burger in a sourdough bun with sweet potato fries. This is a place I would definitely go back to again and again. 

Hans im Gluck - for the best burger I have had in a long long time!

We also went to a cool little spot called Symmetry which is close to Arab street, my friend suggested this one. They have a fantastic breakfast menu and great coffee. It is a really quirky little cafe and the kind of place I really enjoy. You need to book though cause it is popular (for good reason).

Great breakfasts and great coffee - Symmetry

Of course a place is not all about food but it sure does play a big part! I did find some things that I won't be trying, like the 12 inch pizza vending machine that my son thought was just brilliant. Or the grass jelly from the drinks vending machine which just sounds plain weird and didn't even look like grass.

Happy Pizza loving Boy

Grass Jelly - uuuummm I am not that tempted

And there is so much I didn't get to try! I would love to see more and I know there is so much more to Singapore than what you can cram into 4 days. But I am really glad that I have seen it and I now get the hype. And I am glad that I left some thing undone as it gives me an excuse to go back one day!